Unlock Tomorrow's Success with Today's Data

Discover how your teams use the SiftHub Platform, identify information gaps, and understand the steps you need to take to drive sales success.

Unlock Your Data Insights Now
Analyze usage logs for strategic insights
  • Auto-identify the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) and common topics across questionnaires
  • Pinpoint your most valuable sources to guide future content
  • Fill knowledge gaps with easy access to insights on unanswered questions
Build your product strategy around questions your customers have 
  • Automatically spot features your prospects love by tracking request frequency in questionnaires
  • Influence the product roadmap by auto-identifying the gaps in deals
Derive actionable insights from winning RFPs
  • Evaluate how response speed impacts deal success—track average response time, first-responder wins, and more
  • Compare response quality between won and lost deals, and intelligently spot winning trends like personalized replies
  • Identify your strengths, such as winning more deals in specific industries, and leverage them to drive success
Unlock multiple dashboards loaded with key metrics
  • Analyze response generation metrics including autofill runs, and productivity improvements
  • Gain project-level insights—track time spent at each stage, involved teams, and top collaborators
  • Track the overall number of RFPs, RFIs, or security questionnaires managed, outcomes of deals, and other relevant information

Sift through our connectors

Our out-of-the-box Connectors and customizable options ensure a tailored experience to your business needs from Day 1.

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