Enterprise Search

Find the Right Information at the Right Time, Every Time

Start Your Search

No more toggling between tabs

Context-switching can be a time and productivity drain, with the average person wasting up to 4 hours a week. Stop jumping between five apps; ask SiftHub.

Company knowledge at your fingertips

Connect workplace apps such as Drive, Sharepoint, Slack, Teams, Confluence, and more with SiftHub to establish a one-stop shop for all your company knowledge.

Unified search - anywhere, anytime

Make search a breeze with SiftHub—via Slack, Teams, and browsers. Equip your sales team to find answers lightning fast, no more “I will get back to you".

Consolidate information from multiple apps & repositories

  • Connect seamlessly to your existing workplace apps with out-of-the-box connectors
  • Unify information scattered across various apps into a single, centralized knowledge hub
  • Say goodbye to screen-hopping—find everything you need in one view

Tailor your search result rankings

  • Prioritize search results in order of similarity, recency, frequency, authority, industry, and source
  • Give importance to sources you feel are more relevant

Get quick answers without going through documents

  • Get the best possible answer to your search query in the form of ‘featured snippets’
  • Condense extensive content into a brief summary in seconds
  • Verify the source details of each snippet easily

Unlock 100% trusted semantic search

  • Enforce access permissions from source applications in results through SiftHub’s out-of-the-box privacy and security features
  • Empower your knowledge search with semantic understanding for natural language queries, thanks to deep learning-based LLMs

Sift through our connectors

Our out-of-the-box Connectors and customizable options ensure a tailored experience to your business needs from Day 1.

Browse Connectors

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